Ministry of Natural Resources and Forestry introduces Industrial Operations Protocol ~ Author, Workplace Safety North Industrial Operations Protocol – Ministry of…
Browsing: Environment

Though it’s quite possibly the largest roost population of chimney swifts in Canada- right here in Sault Ste. Marie, it’s…

The Northern Hoot is thrilled to host the Algoma SwiftWatch live video cameras! Tune in all day long –especially in…
Late this afternoon black plumes of smoke billowed above the Agawa Bay shoreline. Arriving on scene, the Northern Hoot discovered…
News Release April 28, 2016 Green Investment Fund Fighting Climate Change, Growing Ontario’s Economy The province is investing $20 million…
The secretive world of reptiles and amphibians is poised to come to life this week A few reptiles and amphibians…

The article below was paid for by a portion of a generous micro-grant provided through the 2nd annual Soup Ste. Marie…
For many Northern Ontarians, the 2015-16 winter has been a welcomed treat. Milder temperatures and less snow accumulation have allowed…

Motivated by moose management practices, the Ministry of Natural Resources and Forestry (MNRF) submitted a proposal December 2015, to the…

Coins, fillings, gourmet dinners, wedding bands, computers, spacecrafts, cutlery and even beauty creams are composed of it. Gold that is.…