First Nation Block Voting Will Deliver the Margin of Victory in the Next Election
“Organized, strategic voting is powerful resistance.” – Tyrone Souliere
Rally The First Nation Vote has grown from a local initiative to a national movement with members from coast to coast to coast. Politicians have been put on notice that First Nations and their allies are organizing a block of thousands of voters that will elect the party that best represents Treaty, Charter, and Inherent rights in parliament.
First Nations are the deciders in up to 51 ridings and the politicians are paying attention.
“If First Nations exercise their inherent right to vote, it could have a huge impact. It could be the difference between a majority or minority government,”
– Assembly of First Nations National Chief Perry Bellegarde
“Assembly of First Nations National Chief Perry Bellegarde is calling on First Nations people to get out and vote in this fall’s federal election, so that Aboriginal issues become election issues that will not be ignored. Bellegarde says there are currently 51 ridings across the country where Aboriginal voters could sway the vote if enough of them go to the polls.”
– CTV News
“ A University of Regina political science professor says aboriginal people do have the potential to change Saskatchewan’s political landscape in the next federal election – if they voted as a bloc.”
What Canadians need to realize when voting, is that when government honors First Nation treaties, all Canadians benefit by having a healthier environment and a stronger economy. When the government shares the billions of dollars in resource revenues taken from treaty lands with First Nations, as according to treaty, the money goes back in to the economy and everybody benefits. When the government honors it’s duty to consult with First Nations under the charter, before passing laws that harm the environment, the environment is protected and everybody benefits. Our treaty designers knew what they were doing.
“… if aboriginal people were mobilized, they would certainly have an impact on the electoral outcome” – Joyce Green, University of Regina political science faculty member.
The government has proven that they do not respect First Nation leadership nor do they respect the wishes and rights of the First Nation people. It is therefore up to the people to change the government, by engaging the power of their numbers to achieve proper representation.
The party who will make it publicly known, and announce that they will honor the treaties and honor the First Nation rights in the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms will receive the benefit of thousands of votes in our voting bloc.
Rally The First Nation Vote will be hosting a Voter Registration Rally event in conjunction with the Union of Ontario Indians, Garden River FN, Batchewana FN and Mississaugi FN, at the Garden River Community Centre on Monday August 10, 2015 beginning at 5pm.
Come and hear from First Nation leaders why this coming federal election is so crucial to First Nations and all Canadians.
Workers will be available to help electors register to vote. Food vendors and art vendors will also be on site.
Contact: Tyrone Souliere (705) 206-8804