Ontario is helping to protect the province’s threatened Algonquin wolf population by introducing new rules for hunting and trapping in certain areas.
Due to the similarity in appearance of Algonquin wolf and coyotes and other wolves, the province has closed the hunting and trapping of all wolves and coyotes in select areas to support recovery of the Algonquin wolf species. It is now illegal to hunt and trap wolves and coyotes in the following provincial parks that the Algonquin wolf is known to inhabit, as well as their surrounding areas (see map):
Landowners in these areas still have the right to kill or harm wolves and coyotes if there is imminent risk to their health and safety, or to their domestic animals and livestock. Additionally, hunting and trapping coyotes and wolves in other areas of the province, outside of the protected areas, is permitted. The Algonquin wolf is classified as “threatened” by the Committee on the Status of Species at Risk in Ontario. Threatened species and their habitats are automatically and immediately protected by the Endangered Species Act. These regulatory changes balance the economic safety needs of local landowners and farmers with the need to protect this threatened species. For more information on the Algonquin wolf as well as hunting and trapping rules, visit www.ontario.ca/page/algonquin- |